Ulu Bendul Recreational ParkIf you happen to be a person who loves the Mother Nature, there is one place to be recommended when you visit Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. The Ulu Bendul Recreational Park is one perfect place in Negeri Sembilan for you to rest yourself, especially when you discover your energy draining out of you after excessive explore of the different historical landmarks in Negeri Sembilan. The Ulu Bendul Recreational Park is a place where you can relax yourself, along with your family, while listening to the breeze of the wind when you immerse yourself with the peaceful atmosphere in the park.

The Ulu Bendul Recreational Park is also a perfect spot for you to conduct more bonding sessions with your families and your friends. Here, you can carry out a picnic session in the middle of the park itself or even near the waterfall in the park. When you are hanging out around the waterfall in the Ulu Bendul Recreational Park, you can also enjoy the cold water of the waterfall by swimming in the waterfall to wash away your tiredness and in the same time, giving yourself a treat after spending most of your time exploring the state of Negeri Sembilan.

If you are interested in mountain hiking, the Ulu Bendul Recreational Park also provides you with the chance to fulfill your crave for mountain hiking. The Gunung Angsi will definitely be able to provide you with a whole new challenge for mountain hiking. You can also make your own mark on the top of the mountain after you had successfully conquered it or you can even take pictures on top of the mountain as a remembrance for conquering one of the mountains in Negeri Sembilan.

Furthermore, the Ulu Bendul Recreational Park also provides a chance for individuals who love fishing to carry out their hobbies at the Sungai Batang Terachi. Besides of fishing, you can also dip your feet in the cold stream and relax yourself while waiting for the fish to be caught. The wild nature of the Ulu Bendul Recreational Park is also a great place for travelers who love jungle-trekking. In the same time, you can also explore the different species of plants and insects in the jungle of the Ulu Bendul Recreation Park, which some of these plants and insects might not be found in your own country.

ulu bendul recreational forest campingBesides, the Ulu Bendul Recreational Park is also a safe site for you to camp in. This would be the perfect opportunity for you to enjoy the beauty of Mother Nature and also, this experience will help you in fulfilling your craving for more exciting challenges in Malaysia. However, if you are not too fond of camping outside, you can always rent a chalet, which provides you with all kinds of service you need in order to enjoy your trip in the Ulu Bendul Recreational Park.

Recommended Area to Stay in Negeri Sembilan
Port Dickson
From budget inns to all-inclusive resorts and private bungalows, PD is for the beach lovers.
Seremban Town
Wide range of accommodations to suit every budget in this serene and quite township.