Melaka Airport (IATA code “MKZ”; ICAO code “WMKM”) is located in Batu Berendam, Melaka and approximately 10 km away from Melaka city. The airport was built in 1952 and had been operational since the 1950s. It also serves as the base of the Malaysian Flying Academy.

How to travel between Melaka Airport and Melaka City

By Taxi:

Passengers can book executive taxis online or by phone for booking fee of RM3. Passengers will be charged minimum fare of RM6 for the first km and RM1.74 for every subsequent km. Estimated fare from the airport to Melaka city is around RM25.

By Bus:

For passengers traveling for medical purposes, airport transfer can be arranged with the hospitals. Some hospitals even provide free airport bus and shuttle services for patients and family members.

How to travel between Melaka Airport and Seremban

(Seremban is located approximately 85 km from Melaka Airport)

By Taxi:

For outbound trip from the Melaka airport to Seremban, passengers can make arrangement with Taxi fare may be different for outstation and long distance trip. For return trip from Seremban to the airport, passengers can contact Seremban Cab Sdn Bhd for arrangement.

By Bus:

One-way bus trip from Melaka Sentral bus terminal to Seremban or vice versa takes approximately 1 hour 30 minutes and costs around RM7. Passengers can contact Transnasional or Cepat Express for information on tickets. From Melaka Airport to Melaka Sentral bus ard terminal, passengers can board Bas Tuah bus no. 65 which services Melaka Sentral – Bukit Beruang – MMU – Airport – Batu Berendam, or Bas Wira servicing: (i) Melaka Sentral – Batu Berendam – Airport – Durian Tunggal , and (ii) Melaka Sentral – Batu Berendam – Airport – IPK.

How to travel between Melaka Airport and Port Dickson

( Port Dickson is located approximately 81 km from Melaka Airport)

By Taxi:

Passengers can make arrangement with both and Seremban Cab Sdn Bhd.

By Bus:

Buses servicing the Melaka – Port Dickson route are limited; passengers can contact Barat Express which services Melaka – Port Dickson – Klang. As an alternative, passengers may opt for a transit at Seremban instead.

Airlines served by Melaka Airport: 

This airport is by far the most interesting airport in Malaysia – it services only 1 airline (Sky Aviation) and 1 destination (Pekanbaru, Indonesia) currently. Reason being, Melaka is gaining popularity in Indonesia for medical tourism.