Itinerary | Arrival information | Things to do | Diving & Snorkeling in Sipadan | My first dive | Departure to Tawau

Our departure time supposed to be 10am, but we overlooked this schedule to be assembly time. Luckily the jetty depart to Mataking is just located in front of Seafest Hotel, otherwise, I am sure that we will miss the boat.

Everybody arrives, we departed at around 9.30am. Very nice weather at departure.

Nice weather at departure Arrive to Mataking island

On arrival to Mataking Island, we were greeted by a band and offered with welcome drinks.

Welcome band and drink by resort Arrival to Mataking island

This is the view from the beach to the resort that we are going to stay for the next few days.

Resort view from beach

With such beautiful surrounding, my feeling is that every cent we spent are well worth!

Mataking Island Guest photo shooting at Mataking Island

Our room and some foods and beverages that we prepared.

Mataking Reef Resort room
Mataking Reef Resort room foods and beverages Mataking Reef Resort room foods and beverages