2天1夜浪中岛 Summer Bay Resort 浮潜配套

lang tengah snorkeling tour

(English version package) | (Pakej versi melayu) 行程表: 第一天: 10.30am – 从Merang 码头出发到浪中岛 (9.30am在码头预备) 12.00pm – 到达Summer Bay Lang Island Resort过后, 准备享用午餐和听取简报 01.00pm – 入住酒店 02.00pm – 入住过后, 跟随向导出海浮潜(浪中岛一带) 04.00pm – 享用下午茶点 05.30pm – 茶点过后自由活动 06.30pm – 享用晚餐 09.00pm – 晚餐过后自由活动 第二天: 07.00am – 享用早餐 08.30am – 早餐过后办退房手续 09.30am – 乘船离开浪中岛 (9.30am预备) 配套包括: 1晚住宿 1免费浮潜(浪中岛) 1份早餐,1份午餐,1份晚餐,1份茶点 来回Merang…

D Coconut Lagoon Resort, Lang Tengah

D Coconut Lagoon Lang Tengah Resort

D Coconut Lagoon Resort is a stylish budget resort in Lang Tengah Island. The resort offers unfettered beach access, providing guests with an easy route to amazing diving and snorkelling spot where a variety of native animals can be found in their natural ecosystems. The guests rooms are basic and simple, yet elegant, and offer …

Lang Tengah Free and Easy Tour Packages

Free and easy package in Lang Tengah is popular as it offers maximum flexibility to the guest. Guest can plan for their own activities with their preference, of course, guided trips can be arranged upon request. Here is a list of resorts in Lang Tengah for your consideration. Sari Pacifica Resort & Spa (5 stars)…