Cheng Ho Cultural MuseumOne great way to start your expedition in Melaka is to drop yourself at the largest museum located in Bandar Hilir, where the Cheng Ho Cultural Museum is strategically positioned. Built flourishingly with wood painted in rich divine red, the museum does not disappoint there. The Cheng Ho Cultural Museum’s entrance and surroundings are aligned and decorated with ancient-looking Chinese statues.

Cheng Ho is known as the Chinese-Muslim historical figure that traveled across the Western Ocean, namely Africa, the Indian Ocean, Southeast Asia and Middle East. The five stated journey took place between 1405 and 1433.  He was an adventurous explorer, mariner, diplomat and fleet admiral. He was greatly honored for the search of the Melaka Port for the Chinese. He was assigned to escort Princess Hang Li Po, the Emperor’s daughter, to marry the Sultan of Melaka. The princess was also led by a group of ministers and handmaidens, where it led to interracial marriages and formed the Baba and Nyonya culture in Melaka.

Over 2,000 distinctive artifacts by Cheng Ho can be found in the museum contains four levels. You will find coins, clothing and a replica of Cheng Ho’s ship within the two hour tour. Each and every historical item carries a strong significance to Cheng Ho and the Ming Dynasty. At the beginning of the tour, you will be guided into the first few rooms where displays of artifacts that are relevant to the Ming dynasty life and the sea. There are interesting discoveries. For instance, you will discover a secret looking passage, where you will have to pass through a vine to get to another part of the museum.

Cheng Ho PostureRumors suggested that Cheng Ho built a large warehouse complex alongside the river of northern Melaka. However, no concrete evidence has been found to support the claim. In 2000, several tumbledown ancient looking buildings with Ming architectural style were suspected to be the warehouse built by Cheng Ho.

The Cheng Ho Museum provides all essential details you will ever need for an in-depth understanding about Melaka. It is the perfect location to immerse you into the history of Melaka, where interesting facts and mysteries are said to be revealed. There are also plenty of other places to visit along the way, such as the Stadthuys and the praiseworthy Jonker Walk. All in all, it’s another destination to add into your vacation list. The Cheng Ho Cultural Museum operates daily from 9am to 6pm, with the admission fee of RM20 for adults and RM10 for children.

Recommended Area to Stay in Melaka
Jonker Street
For those looking for culture exploration and food trails. Also known as a backpacker paradise.
Melaka Raya
A gateway to all the city attractions with wide range of accommodation options.