Balung River Eco Resort – Enriching Your Vacation

Malaysia consists of a lot of treasured stories and landmarks yet to be unfold by its visitors. There are many states in Malaysia which one can explore, including the state of Sabah. Sabah is one state with many historical stories, along with its local cultures and traditions which you will find interesting and unique to…
Putrajaya Wetland Park

Malaysia possesses a lot of hidden treasure that will definitely amaze visitors, no matter local or foreign. Most foreign visitors having vacation in Malaysia due to its magnificent landscapes as well as the unique cultures in the country. The natural landscapes in Malaysia possessing meaningful historical backgrounds and the unique traditional buildings built by the…
Seri Wawasan Bridge

In Malaysia, there are many trademarks and landmarks in the country that can leave deep and meaningful memories in individuals who had visited them. In the many states of Malaysia, there are different landmarks to be explored in every single state in Malaysia that will definitely transmit a whole new message to the individuals visiting…
Putrajaya Botanical Garden

Malaysia is a developing country with magnificent landmarks, unique diverse cultures, and non-stop cities development which are worth the visit for visitors. In the heart of the capital city of Kuala Lumpur, you will never miss the buildings standing firm while uncountable cars fill up the streets, signaling a busy city consisting of the unity…
Cruise Tasik Putrajaya

Malaysia is a country with a lot of new knowledge waiting to be absorbed by both foreign and local visitors. There are so many unique elements in Malaysia yet to be explored, to the extent that you will never feel that your vacation in Malaysia are complete to understand everything you should know about the…
Agriculture Heritage Park

Traveling could be exhausting at times, although it might bring us fruitful knowledge at the end of each journey we traveled. In Malaysia, there are many things to discover and it would definitely take a very long time to observe every single unique element in the country. Thus, answering to the inconvenience of travelers in…
Sungai Lembing Tourist Attractions, Activities and Hotels Guide
Although Malaysia does not have four seasons unlike the other countries, Malaysia possesses a lot of different attractions inviting foreign visitors to the country to explore more of the country. The diverse cultures and society backgrounds are undoubtedly one of the most important attractions Malaysia possesses. In the same time, Malaysia is also unique in…
Discover Lentang Forest Recreational Park

The world is a huge place for us to explore. It is undeniable that there are many treasures left hidden and new knowledge awaiting us to unfold them. Of course, every country has their unique story to tell, including Malaysia. Malaysia is well-known for its richness in diverse cultures, as well as the unity amongst…
Gunung Senyum Cave – Discovering the Mystique Nature

Malaysia has one of the best Mother Nature resources in the world. If you intend to visit Malaysia as part of your holiday plans, you must never forget to look out for these precious natural resources in Malaysia in order to gain a whole new experience and knowledge regarding the natural resources in Malaysia. Besides,…
Lake Bera – A Wildlife Experience

In Malaysia, there are many hidden treasures that one can explore. Stepping into the land of Malaysia itself would be a whole new experience, as you would be able to see the various views and societies, all with their very own culture well-embedded in the environment they build up. Undoubtedly, visitors of Malaysia would definitely…